Request Stickers
PLEASE NOTE: The Free Stickers Request Form has been moved to
Are you a business or institution located in Alameda County that would like stickers to place on your indoor recycling, organics or garbage containers to help with proper sorting? Please use this online form to request free stickers, as supplies last. Note: Only Alameda County business and institution sites are eligible.
The stickers pictured above are all 7″ wide by 5.5″ tall. They are intended for use on indoor containers and can help employees, customers or contractors see with a glance what types of materials belong in each container. These labels are not for placement on outdoor hauler/service provider collection containers.
Paper Towels Only stickers are generally used instead of the Organics stickers in areas such as restrooms where food scraps (and other “organics”) are not generated. Flatten Cardboard stickers should be used in areas with high volumes of cardboard boxes. For other areas such as kitchens and employee’s desks, use the Recycling stickers which includes other recyclables and an image captioned with “Flattened Cardboard”.
Need Assistance? Our Business Assistance Team can help set up or improve your organization’s recycling and organics programs in order to comply with the Mandatory Recycling Ordinance. Request assistance here.
To sign up for recycling or organics collection service, or to download city-specific posters and other support materials, visit your city’s Recycling Rules page.
Si necesita ayuda con este formulario de solicitud, puede pedir asistencia aquí:
PLEASE NOTE: The Free Stickers Request Form has been moved to
Stickers will be mailed to the address provided within approximately two weeks. Only sites located in Alameda County, California, are eligible to receive our free stickers. Contact if you have any questions.