Multi-Family Building Residents
The Mandatory Recycling Ordinance requires that multi-family residential buildings with 5 or more units in Alameda County have recycling service sufficient to handle the amount of recyclables their residents produce. It is the responsibility of owners and managers of multi-family buildings to comply with the new law. Information on what owners and managers need to do to comply can be found here.
The law is intended to make it easier for residents to recycle. Recycling is good for the economy by creating jobs and good for the environment by keeping valuable resources out of landfills. Making new products out of recycled materials also saves energy and reduces pollution.
Please help make your building’s recycling program a success by properly sorting your recyclable materials from your trash. See our FAQs for Multi-Family Buildings to learn how the law affects you.
Recycling collection services vary by city and by service provider. Your building manager will provide you with specific information about what to recycle and where to put it for collection.
If you need more information, please contact us.
Reporting a multi-family building that is out of compliance
Inspectors are in the field surveying multi-family buildings for compliance with the ordinance requirements. Residents can use this online form to report a property owner who may not be in compliance with the Mandatory Recycling Ordinance.
If you suspect that your building is out of compliance, use the online form to report the building and it will be added to the list of buildings to be surveyed. You can learn more about compliance here.