City of Dublin


The City of Dublin had previously “opted out” of the ACWMA Mandatory Recycling Ordinance 2012-01 but are now opted in and effective January 1, 2020, has the requirements listed below.







Compliance Requirements Effective January 1, 2020

All businesses and institutions must:

  1. Provide containers and service of sufficient number, size and frequency for recyclable materials.
  2. Businesses and institutions that generate significant quantities* of organics (food scraps and/or compostable paper), such as restaurants and grocery stores: Provide containers and service of sufficient number, size and frequency for organics.
  3. Recycle all recyclable Covered Materials: cardboard, newspaper, white paper, mixed recyclable paper, recyclable glass food and beverage containers, metal (aluminum and steel) food and beverage containers, PET (#1) and HDPE (#2) plastic bottles.
  4. Businesses and institutions that generate significant quantities* of organics, such as restaurants and grocery stores: Place food scraps and compostable paper in separate organics cart/bin for organics collection.
  5. Ensure recycling and organics containers are contamination free.  Only recyclable materials may be placed in recycling containers and only organics may be placed in organics containers.
  6. Provide information at least annually to employees, tenants, and contractors describing how to properly use the recycling, garbage, and organics containers, as well as no later than 14 days after move-in and no less than 14 days prior to move-out of tenant businesses.

* The Ordinance prohibits the disposal of any food scraps or compostable paper in the garbage. However, for practical use, organics are considered to be “significant” when 10 or more gallons (think two 5-gallon buckets full) are disposed of in a garbage cart or 20 or more gallons (four 5-gallon buckets full) of organics are disposed of in a garbage bin.

Additionally, ACWMA Ordinance 2008-01 requires businesses and institutions in Alameda County generating 4 or more cubic yards of garbage per week to separate all plant debris from garbage and recyclable materials. Those with on-site service must place plant debris in a designated organics collection bin. Businesses can arrange for the removal of plant debris by their landscaper. The landscaper must haul to an approved facility and must deposit plant debris in the facility’s designated “clean green” area.

Property owners and managers of multi-family properties with 5 or more units must:

  1. Provide containers and service of sufficient number, size and frequency for recyclable materials at the same or at an equally convenient location as garbage.
  2. Provide containers and service of sufficient number, size and frequency for organics (food scraps and compostable paper) at the same or at an equally convenient location as garbage.
  3. Provide information at least annually to employees, tenants, and contractors describing how to properly use the recycling, garbage, and organics containers, as well as no later than 14 days after move-in and no less than 14 days prior to move-out.

Additionally, ACWMA Ordinance 2008-01 requires multi-family properties in Alameda County generating 4 or more cubic yards of garbage per week to separate all plant debris from garbage and recyclable materials. Those with on-site service must place plant debris in a designated organics collection bin. Multi-family property owners or managers can arrange for the removal of plant debris by their landscaper. The landscaper must haul to an approved facility and must deposit plant debris in the facility’s designated “clean green” area.

Services Provided

The City of Dublin contracts with Amador Valley Industries (AVI) for garbage, recycling and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and plant debris) collection service.

Recycling collection, which consists of mixed (single stream) and separated cardboard service, is available to Dublin businesses and multifamily properties and is provided for a 75% discount compared to equivalent garbage service. Organics collection is available to Dublin businesses and multifamily properties for a 50% discount compared to equivalent garbage service.

Besides the support materials listed below, AVI can also provide commercial customers with free decals, indoor recycling and organics containers, bi-lingual posters, and custodial how-to-guides.

Besides the support materials listed below, AVI can also provide multi-family properties with free decals, recycling reminder door hangers, and reusable bags with program rules printed on the front for residents to use in transferring their recyclables to the centralized collection containers, as supplies last. The City of Dublin also provides free kitchen pails for tenant use to collect food scraps.

AVI also provides free waste assessments and trainings upon request.

The City of Dublin also offers garbage and recycling enclosure grants for use in building new enclosures or modifying/expanding existing ones.

Service Provider Information:
Amador Valley Industries (AVI)
Phone: (925) 479-9545

City Information:
City of Dublin
Phone: (925) 833-6600

Support Materials

Below are downloadable support materials specific to the City of Dublin. Additional support materials for any community are also available for businesses and institutions and multi-family properties.

Businesses and institutions support materials:

Multi-family support materials: